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Luis Geronimo, an International actor that has participated in Bolivar, a series from Netflix were he lead the role of Simon Bolivar.

For the first time he will give his voice to an animated character that personifies impulsiveness, bipolarity as well as a great knowledge and determination. Fico is an exclusive character that invites us to laugh about ourselves.

Fico y la voz Luis Gerónimo Abreu
kiki y la voz Marisa Román

Marisa an actress and writer that believes in art as a tool for collective transformation. It seems like Kiki and her are one, both of them celebrate sensibility.

But this fluffy little kitten needs to be the center of attention, she can never miss the comfort nonetheless inside her she has very intense mixed emotions, a challenge that Marisa is very excited to take on.

Rodrigo a Label manager, musician, and a Latin Grammy award winner. Founder of bands like Viniloversus, Awarato and Rodrigo Solo.

In this story he'll play the role of Poly, during his journey he'll find love which will send him on a path to discover his authentic dream.

Poli y la voz Rodrigo Gonsalves
Leti y la voz Panda Elliot

Panda a music producer, composer and singer. At first glance she is a rockstar, but when you get to know her she has a great heart.

Of course she had to be the one to portrait Leti, manager and guitarist of The Bench. Creative, perfectionist, hyperactive, and very passionate. A natural leader that always tries to push the others to reach their full potential.

Simon is an artist that with his music takes us to magical places where memories intertwine with dreams, finding motives to celebrate the wonders of life.

Passionate, dreamer and overall a good vibe, that makes him the chosen one to play Ryan a distracted innocent pigeon and insatiable that enjoys life.

Ryan y la voz Simón Grossmann
Shadow y la voz Tinedo A. Guía

Tinedo a great storyteller, with more than 15 years of experience in professional VoiceOver and Radio.

This makes him the perfect candidate for shadow, the astronomer of our GaNg that makes us connect with the intuition and wisdom of our planet.

Every story has a twist… A magician never reveals his secrets and Masks charm goes beyond his tricks. Some know him as the hero of Trébol City.

A wizard is never late, nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to… and so the voice of Mask will be revealed at the right time.

Mask quien sera su voz sigue siendo un misterio a descubrir
Mambo y la voz Pablo Stanley

Mambo is a very confused Robopet since he thinks of himself as a real dog, but in reality he is a robot able to transform into different objects. Pablo Stanley is the creator and founder of one of the most important NFT collections in web3 called ROBOTOS.

Pablo will be the voice of Mambo, a naive and playful Robopet that dreams of turning into a real wolf to go back to the essence of what his ancestors should have been.